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Naming your files in Github repo

This section describes how to name the .md (markdown) file that is put in Github for ANY type of content/resource.

  • Please name your markdown file according to the following convention:


    • YYYY = four digit year
    • MM = two digit month.
  • If the content is of type Curated Content or a Blog do not include the date part.
  • For the DocTitle... part of the file name, to avoid terribly long file names, authors are encouraged to use appropriate abbreviations and/or truncation. The point is to capture the content’s topic as clearly as possible in the file name without getting too unwieldy in the length of name. But authors should be sure to capture at least the first distinguishing word of the title in the DocTitle... part of the file name.

Examples of file names

Example filename Notes
BalterGithubCommunication.md Curated Content
2019-10-BluewatersE4S.md Event
2020-08-PSIPForHDF5.md Blog article
2016-02-WhatIsContinuousIntegration.md WhatIs doc. 2016-02-WhatIsCI.md would be fine too
2019-07-ApolloGuidanceComputer-Part1.md Blog article. Part of a series numbered 1, 2, 3
2017-10-DocTools.md Roll up Blog article. All content on DocTools
2017-10-DocTools-Sphinx.md Article, part of the DocTools series focusing on Sphinx