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Editorial Workflow for BSSw.io Event Content


An “Event” is a very brief article that highlights an event. An event article can highlight the following 2 types of resources:

  • Submission-based Events (Conferences/Workshops/Others)
  • Non-submission based Events (Webinars/Panels/Tutorials/Others).

Anyone with a GitHub account may submit an event.

Steps to Follow

Below are the steps for creating an event article:

  • Determine whether or not the event in question is within the scope of the BSSw.io community’s interests (topics related to scientific software productivity, quality, and sustainability).
  • Contact the editorial team to clarify what is considered “in scope”.
  • If so, construct the event page. Verify that the event is in .md format and properly formatted, as per the event style guide: https://betterscientificsoftware.github.io/bssw.io/bssw_styling_event.html
  • Create a pull request

After the pull request is created, the editorial team will review and publish the event.

NOTE: For maximal effect, event announcements should be submitted by the 20th of the month before the event date. Then, they are to be highlighted in the BSSw.io Digest email to the BSSw.io subscribers email list that goes out at the end of every month. Otherwise, event announcements may have less visibility and reach a smaller audience.