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How to add new tracks to bssw.io website

This section describes how to add new tracks on the bssw.io site.

Blogs on BSSw.io can be assigned to a track. The list of existing tracks supported by BSSw.io can be seen in the Articles/BlogTracks.md file. If you wish to add a new track, please follow the below steps.

  • Go to https://github.com/betterscientificsoftware/bssw.io
  • Modify the Articles/BlogTracks.md to add the new track.
  • Go to Articles/Blog directory and add the new track metadata to the appropriate blog source files. See the content metadata section to understand how to add metadata to files.
  • Make a PR, add the preview label, and rebuild the preview site.
  • Check that the new name track appears on your changed blog articles.
  • Merge the PR and rebuild the main site.