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What is this document?

This is a review checklist for all content that goes on the BSSw site.

When should one use it?

This document provides a list of checks to be performed (1) when a new content idea is submitted, (2) when the content is in review stage before publishing. Please note that the BSSw.io Content Board has various phases, as mentioned below.

  • Ideas backlog
  • Topic review - Some preliminary checks need to be performed by the EB editorial team when the idea/topic is submitted.
  • Ready to write
  • Item progress
  • Item review - Checks need to be performed by the shepherding EB member when the item is in review stage.
  • Ready to publish
  • Done

What are Topic review Checks?

  • Is the proposed content in scope for BSSw?
  • Would the proposed content “fit” with existing content? (e.g., should it be a revision to or merger with am existing article rather than a separate article?)

What are Item Review Checks?

The following steps assume that the BSSw editorial team has already determined that the topic is appropriate scope for BSSw.io.

Sensitivity Checks

  • Confirm that the article is written as per the predetermined scope outlined during the “topic review” phase, or determine suggested revisions/clarifications.
  • Gender neutrality - BSSw.io article prefer to be gender neutral.
  • Article tone - BSSw.io articles prefer to be polite and not offend any sensibilities of our intended audience
  • Review for sensitive information.
  • PI approval - if an article talks about anything that can be construed as sensitive information and may need PI approval
  • Image copyright permissions.
  • Licensing terms checked on BSSw.io: “By checking this box, author acknowledges and agrees to licensing terms of content they publish at BSSw.io”.
  • Additional professional proofreading needed?

Style/formatting Checks

  • Adheres to the style guide for the specific content.
  • Logo/image formatting - Please check for this unless style guide is specific instructions.
  • Grammar, punctuation, spelling, syntax.
  • Hyperlinks validity.
  • Check for any prior versions of the same content. If the prior version is very outdated, consider replacing it with this newer content. Please judge on a case-by-case basis.
  • Past events of the same conferences/workshops/etc. are not deleted and just kept as archives.
  • If using formal citations/references, use wikize_refs.py -i <base>.md to deal with these (see here for details).

Pre-publishing Checks

  • Finalize the topic(s) and other parameters in metadata.
  • Ensure wikize_refs.py -i <base>.md is run and commit (if wikize_refs.py is being used).
  • Add the preview label to the PR (so PR branch will merge to ‘preview’ branch which is used to generate preview site).
  • Update and sanity check on preview site to confirm overall display.
  • Ensure that “publish: yes” in metadata before merging the PR to ‘main’.