Obtaining Numpy Configuration

1 minute read

NumPy is based on compiled C extensions and in turn is built upon BLAS/LAPACK libraries. The following gives some information on how to interrogate the build configuration and dependent libraries upon which NumPy is built.

Get basic configuration including BLAS/LAPACK libraries:

import numpy

Note that configuration information may not be reliable in all circumstances. Dependencies of built libraries can also be checked by using the ldd command on NumPy shared libraries. E.g.

ldd /<path_to_site-packages>/numpy/core/multiarray.so

Libraries may have variations in name based on platform (e.g. multiarray.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so). To check the site packages directory location you can do:

$ python
Python 3.6.3 |Intel Corporation| (default, Oct 16 2017, 15:28:36) ....
>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.__path__

To get full NumPy configuration details including compiler options/environment:

import numpy.distutils
np_config_vars = numpy.distutils.unixccompiler.sysconfig.get_config_vars()

import pprint

Or to write output to a file

f = open('np_config_pprint.log','w')

To get specific variables you can specify them as arguments E.g:

import numpy.distutils
c_cpp_compiler = numpy.distutils.unixccompiler.sysconfig.get_config_vars('CC', 'CXX')
compile_vars = numpy.distutils.unixccompiler.sysconfig.get_config_vars('CFLAGS', 'LDSHARED')

If NumPy has been installed without modification it will likely inherit the configuration from Python. You can check that with distutils.

from distutils import sysconfig

To obtain versions of compiler used to build python/numpy, the strings utility can be used as with other binaries to give an indication of build E.g:

strings -a /<path_to_python>/python | grep -i gcc
strings -a /<path_to_site-packages>/numpy/core/multiarray*.so | grep -i gcc


Python for High Performance Computing (Exascale Computing Project 2nd Annual Meeting) Slides William Scullin (ALCF), Matt Belhorn (OLCF), Rollin Thomas (NERSC)

stackoverflow: find-out-if-which-blas-library-is-used-by-numpy

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