Using mpi4py on Summit

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mpi4py on Summit

At time of writing (Feb 2019) I’ve found the following works for mpi4py on Python.

The gcc/4.8.5 must be loaded (replacing xl compilers).

Then use:

CC=mpicc MPICC=mpicc pip install mpi4py --no-binary mpi4py

Note both CC and MPICC are set to mpicc

Full example from login (Create Conda environment and install mpi4py):

module load python # Loads Anaconda
module load gcc/4.8.5
conda create --name myenv # First time
. activate myenv
conda install pip # So pip installs stuff in the right place
CC=mpicc MPICC=mpicc pip install mpi4py --no-binary mpi4py # Install from source

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