
Productivity and Sustainability Improvement Planning Tools

This project is maintained by betterscientificsoftware

Use this letter template as a starting point for initiating a PSIP conversation with an application team.

Dear xxx,

The IDEAS-ECP Software productivity project is charged with assisting ECP code teams to improve developer productivity and software sustainability for ECP code development.

IDEAS-ECP is hoping to engage [your/our] [project name] project team to identify opportunities for improving practices. We would like to start the effort by talking with xxx team members to develop a sketch of current software development practices and where practices could improve.

I would like to set up an initial interview with IDEAS-ECP to start the process. Please let me know if you are willing to meet, and who from the team would be good to include in the meeting.

Please know that information from this interview will not be used as part of any assessment, or given to others without your consent (see the PSIP Information Policy). With your permission, we would like to record the conversation for the purposes of better understanding, but will not share the recording outside of your project and the IDEAS-ECP team.

If you have questions or concerns, please let me know.

Thank you.